Finish treatments
finish treatment is the last step operation made on the textile. They are various type of treatment and we can offer you the most common of them.
Syeing :
We add colors on the fabric. According to the nature of fiber, the coloring will remain on the surface or go deep into the fiber.
Thermal cleaning or caramelization :
We take the support in a steam room or in a special treatment line. The fabric undergoes a thermal choc to take away all residues linked to the production of the base (dust, oil, stain). This treatment is standard when fabric meets temperature and heat.
Non combustible treatment :
As well as thermal cleaning (above), we can put chemical products in fibers to cover and protect it against hot temperatures and also against fire.
Stiffening treatment – calendaring treatment :
On several flexible fabrics, non woven or knitting products, it is sometimes necessary to make this type of treatment ease their use (handling, cutting or conditioning).
Pre treatment :
This treatment is necessary if you have to make composite material. The resin has to cling chemically to the base and harden with it homogenously. Pre treatment makes compatible a base with the resins later used.
Adhesive lay down :
We can add adhesive on one side of the fabric. It then can be also cut in strips. You have a readymade product for pipes sheating for example.
:Traitement d’aluminisation : Permet de réaliser une réelle étanchéité ; que ce soit pour
isoler et protéger le support des flammes, des graisses ou de la vapeur. Une feuille
d’aluminium de 10 à 18 μ est contrecollée sur le support.
Aluminisation treatment :
This treatment confers a real waterproof quality to the product in isolating from fire, oil and steam protection. An aluminium sheet of 10 and 18 µ is glue-backed on the base.
Coating treatment :
Chemical products are laid down on the base in order to improve performance of the fabric. Coating products mostly used are : PVC, PU, silicone, Teflon. Each of them offer a unique advantage to the base.