
Tapes is a narrow fabric are either woven on tape machine directly to the right width or cut from width produced of weaving machine.

They are several sizes and thicknesses of tape according to their end use.Tapes are used for insulation and protection of ducts. They can get an adhesive treatment.

Référence Largeur Composition Poids Armure Traitement Propriété Marche Domaine
Ruban RVE 420/ 1600 - verre 1600 taffetas caramélisation Isolation thermique, marine/transport, Contraintes Thermique, Recherche de performances Mécaniques,
Ruban RVE136/ 300 - verre 300 taffetas adhésif Isolation thermique, marine/transport, Industrie, Contraintes Thermique, Recherche de performances Mécaniques,