
Glass fiber products find their applications on Transports sector thanks to their good properties against temperature. Our customers among the most famous in France use our products to protect their seats in giving them a reinforced thermal insulation against outer attack ( cigarettes... ).

We propose various fabrics and knitting which can answer to your demand in term of textile distorsion to assure good drap ability.

Some products that we commercialize on this market are used since 20 years. Once more there are several references in military marine or merchant marine and rail transport. Most of these products are marine certified or have a flame and fume certificate.

Référence Largeur Composition Poids Armure Traitement Propriété Marche Domaine
Tissé 1105 1390 verre 450 sergé 3/1 FS11 application composite marine/transport, Industrie, Contraintes Thermique, Besoins de deformation, Recherche de performances Mécaniques,
Tissé 1124 1000 verre 80 grille tricotée FIX15 anti effilochage M0 Batiment, Isolation thermique, marine/transport, Industrie, Contraintes Thermique,
Tissé 1168 1230 verre 535 satin 4 ADV adhésif 1 face Isolation thermique, marine/transport, Industrie, Contraintes Thermique, Besoins de deformation,
Tissé 1168 1230 verre 420 satin 4 TF342 anti effilochage Batiment, Isolation thermique, marine/transport, Industrie,
Tissé 1226 1200 verre 124 taffetas TF 509 NOIR incombustible Batiment, Isolation thermique, marine/transport, Industrie, Contraintes Thermique,
Tissé 13033 1400 verre 580 taffetas enduit PVC enduction PVC incolore 2faces marine/transport, Industrie, Contraintes Thermique, Besoins de deformation, Recherche de performances Mécaniques,
Tissé 13047 1450 verre 275 Jersey ecru marine/transport, Besoins de deformation,
Tissé 7581 1270 verre 300 satin 8 TF970 application composite marine/transport, Industrie, Application pour les composites,
Tissé 7628 1250 verre - taffetas TF350 raidissage incombustible Isolation thermique, marine/transport, Industrie, Contraintes Thermique, Application pour les composites,
Tissé 7628 1270 verre 200 taffetas TF970 application composite Isolation thermique, marine/transport, Industrie, Application pour les composites,
Tissé 783 70 verre 105 taffetas TF309 BLANC anti effilochage Batiment, Isolation thermique, marine/transport, Industrie, Contraintes Thermique, Besoins de deformation, Recherche de performances Mécaniques,
Tissé 9925 1270 verre 600 taffetas 9383 caramelisation Batiment, Isolation thermique, marine/transport, Industrie, Contraintes Thermique, Recherche de performances Mécaniques,
Tissé 9929 1500 verre 900 sergé 2/2 9383 caramelisation Batiment, Isolation thermique, marine/transport, Industrie, Contraintes Thermique, Recherche de performances Mécaniques,
Tissé A11 1200 verre 115 taffetas FIX12 fixage ignifuge Batiment, Isolation thermique, marine/transport, Industrie, Contraintes Thermique, Besoins de deformation,
Ruban RVE 420/ 1600 - verre 1600 taffetas caramélisation Isolation thermique, marine/transport, Contraintes Thermique, Recherche de performances Mécaniques,
Ruban RVE136/ 300 - verre 300 taffetas adhésif Isolation thermique, marine/transport, Industrie, Contraintes Thermique, Recherche de performances Mécaniques,